Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Renaissance Festival in AZ

Hooray!! Here are the rest of the pics from our Arizona trip! We went with our great friends, Scott and Stephanie, and their three kids. We had so much fun! Here's the entrance, where the King and Queen welcome everyone.
This is us trying to figure out where to go next. The festival was HUGE!The first show we saw were some absolutely amazing jugglers! They were so good, that no one quite matched them the rest of the day--well, maybe the whip master. These jugglers were HILARIOUS! Very good with improv and the kids loved it!
Elise and I are very intent on the juggler show
Yay for Turkey Leggs!!
This guy was amazing too--the whip master. He's probably one of the best whippers (I don't know what you call them) in the world, actually. This is him with his fire whip. At the Renaissance festival, everything ends in fire. ;)
This is another juggler show, mostly with fire. And, yes, he's wearing a firing plunger on his head.
Us watching the fire show.
Ah, the tournament! The jousting was great, the horses were amazing, and the hand-to-hand combat wasn't bad. ;) We rooted for an evil knight, Sir G-something. "Cheat to win!" was our motto!
This was our activity after the Renaissance Festival. (And the day before, and the day before--haha!) I got pretty good at Mario Bros., considering I never play video games!
Hahaha--I love John's face in this pic!! He's totally posing for the camera... I think. ;) He and Preston both look a little tense.


  1. OH! I've always wanted to go to a Renaissance Fair! Did you try talking olde English? :) So fun!

  2. Haha, no, we didn't talk olde English, although we did hear some. :) It was a fabulous Renaissance festival; I hope I won't disappointed if I go to any others now!

  3. Hey you guys! I found this site from Emily's blog... and ooh, ooh, I want a button! :) Serious let me know how and I would love to put one on my blog. Looks like you guys are still having fun! BTW, I haven't had a chance to tell you guys about this because we always seem to be talking about other things, but we are expecting a baby in a few months. My new medicine actually worked. I have felt so bad for not letting you know, but other things we were talking about always seemed more important. Anyway, a little girl... strike that. A really BIG girl is expected at the beginning of August.
